
Friday, June 10, 2016

Epilepsy Update 10 June 2016 - Topiramat

So I've been taking Topiramat in addition to Lamotrigine for a total of 7 weeks now and thought I'd give an update on how it's going...

Things have gotten better, I guess.

I'm still having seizures but they're much shorter and not as strong. In most cases they only last 1-5 minutes, although there have been occasional seizures that lasted up to 10 minutes. One lasted 15 minutes. The "electric shocks" are down to only 1-5 per day.

I do have seizure free days now however, sometimes 2 in a row. I enjoy those so much and each time I try and convince myself that I'm out of the woods now and that it'll stay that way for a long time. Then come the next 2-3 days of seizures. 

What I call the "Epi-brain", and which Dr. Vollhardt thinks are migraines, that never ending bad feeling in the brain, is still there but it's a lot better on the seizure free days and worse again on the seizure days. 

That Epi-brain may be the worst thing about having Epilepsy, even worse than the complex partial seizures (CPS). A CPS goes away after a few minutes but the Epi-brain doesn't. It makes everything more strenuous, depending on how strong it is on a given day. Listening, talking, concentrating, remembering. Just getting out of bed and living is much more strenuous than usual. 

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